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Helpline Collaboration Group Aotearoa NZ
Learn more about the Helpline Collaboration Group and how to get involved.

The Helpline Collaboration Group is a collaborative initiative, coordinated by Anxiety NZ, for telemental health services with a shared purpose and vision.

Purpose: Bring our collective strengths together for mutual support, impact, and sustainable development. 

Vision: A well-connected telemental health system that provides quality, accessible, and equitable support for everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand.  

Telemental health services provide highly accessible and valuable support for individuals and whānau across Aotearoa New Zealand. 

In 2020, COVID-19 presented new challenges, and others were expected as we prepared for changes to NZ's healthcare system. With our common goals, challenges, and opportunities in mind, we reached out to other helplines and noticed a mutual interest in ongoing connection and collaboration. 

The Helpline Collaboration Group was soon created in 2021 and now includes representatives from many diverse telemental health services throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Helpline Collaboration Group facilitates connection and collaboration between services and as a group. This includes monthly meetings to discuss opportunities for mutual support and mahi across a range of topics. 

These include: 

  • network and connect

  • support and advice

  • shared training and resources

  • accessing sustainable funding

  • service provision

  • data and evaluations

  • connecting our services with the community

  • crisis response (e.g. during COVID-19 pandemic)

  • developing a unified voice for change

  • leadership and representation as a group

We encourage organisations offering telemental health support (helpline/text/webchat) to join our group and also welcome contact from individuals/groups/agencies interested in supporting this initiative. 

For further details, please email