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Explore our sitemap to find resources, articles, and inspiring content.
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  • Home
    Mental health support, treatment, and education for a resilient and thriving Aotearoa.
  • Connect With Us
    Anxiety NZ is here for all people living with anxiety and other mental health experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Contact Us
    Have some questions? Our website has lots of information that will hopefully answer all of them. If you need more info, then get in touch!
  • Donate
    You can make a difference in the lives of the growing number of Kiwis seeking support for anxiety.
    • Fundraise
      Create your own challenge, raise funds, and make a difference for all people living with anxiety and other mental health experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • FAQs
    Get answers to your questions about therapy and our services.
    • Creating A Wellbeing Plan
      A wellbeing plan is crucial for proactively maintaining mental and emotional health, fostering self-awareness, resilience, and a balanced, fulfilling life.
  • Funders & Partners
    Our partners' and donors' support allows us to deliver mental health services and education to improve the lives of thousands of people throughout Aotearoa.
  • Join us
    Keen to join our team or volunteer with us? We'd love to hear from you!
  • Quick Links
    Get connected with some of our top resources and links!
  • Referrals
    How to Get a Referral to See a Clinician or Join a Peer Group at Anxiety NZ
  • Resources
    Find the right resource to support yourself and the people you care about
  • Shop
    Anxiety NZ Shop
  • Sitemap
    Explore our sitemap to find resources, articles, and inspiring content.
  • survey
    Share your feedback and be in to win one of five Wellbeing Packs
  • Updates
    Blog, news, community education and more!
  • Anxiety NZ wants your feedback!
    We’re working on our new strategic plan, and invite you to share your thoughts and help shape the direction of Anxiety NZ. The form will just take a few minutes and you can have real impact on the work we do.
  • Mental health support year-round ⭐
    We supported our community 24/7 non-stop despite all of this year's challenges! With your help, we can keep making a difference in our community in the new year. Help us be there for our community in 2023!
  • Name it to tame it
    Find out how naming our feelings can reduce the intensity of the emotions and help us feel less overwhelmed.
  • 8 Tips to Help You on Your Self-Care Journey
    Self-care is an act of taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Research shows that acts of self-care can improve your health, lead to better productivity, and help prevent burnout.
  • Adult attachment styles
    An attachment style is the regular manifestation of particular traits in relationships. Here we look at insecure attachment styles.
  • Anxiety 101
    Anxiety 101: What is anxiety, and what do the symptoms look like? Can I help myself or do I need to get help?
  • Autism and anxiety
    Learn about the relationship between autism and anxiety and how we can better support the autistic community.
  • COVID-19 vaccine anxiety: info and coping mechanisms
    As we approach a new transition period in our fight against COVID-19, new concerns are naturally arising. Many are reporting vaccine-related anxiety. This is understandable – uncertainty is a common trigger for anxiety
  • Dyslexia and university
    Outline of having dyslexia, studying at university, and how dyslexics can still thrive with the right support.
  • Free Printable PDFs
    Anxiety NZ offers a range of physical resources which you might find useful to hang on the wall, keep in your wallet, gift to a friend or pass on to a client.
  • Getting out of a rut
    Stuck on a rut, not feeling very challenged or motivated? You are not alone. Our writer shares how she got moving.
  • Home sickness and new chapters
    A big step in adulthood is moving away from home and this can be very exciting but also very challenging. How can we make this easier?
  • How are your mates doing?
    Movember has become an annual tradition, around the world, for people showing their support for all forms of men’s health.
  • Improving sleep
    Good sleep can greatly improve your quality of life, promoting physical and mental wellbeing. Check out some strategies to sleep better.
  • Journaling's Power
    Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-care and mental health support. Baylee shares the positive impact it has had in her life.
  • My experience of losing a pet and what helped my recovery
    It’s normal to feel intense grief and loss at the passing of a pet. Many young people share a deep bond with animals. Pets can give your life purpose and add structure not to mention they provide us with endless love and joy.
  • My experience with bullying
    Bullying is still very common but how to deal with it and what to do if you or someone else is being bullied?
  • Name it to tame it
    Find out how naming our feelings can reduce the intensity of the emotions and help us feel less overwhelmed.
  • Online Therapy in Aotearoa
    Online therapy is convenient, accessible and effective. It is also more time-efficient and easy to fit into busy lifestyles.
  • Pets and Mental Health
    Many pet owners are familiar with the joy owning an animal can bring. What’s less well known are the health benefits having a pet provides.
  • Resources for whānau
    Families play an important role in the recovery journey of people experiencing mental illness.
  • Running for my mental health
    Jameel talks about how running has helped him build mental fortitude, feel accomplished and other ways it has improved his mental health.
  • Self-Compassion in the New Year
    Positive self-talk: When a friend makes a mistake, we give them an uplifting response. Why not extend the same courtesy to ourselves?
  • Sleep during stressful and uncertain times
    COVID-19 and isolation have brought people's stress and anxiety levels up, which is impacting on their sleep. Read on to learn more about this phenomenon and how to improve your sleep.
  • Support for Whānau/Family
    Families play an important role in the recovery journey of people experiencing mental illness. Whānau / Family can refer to anyone who supports or cares for a person experiencing mental illness. When someone you love is experiencing mental illness it can feel like an emotional rollercoaster and a challenge for you, your relationships and your family.
  • Supporting women to thrive
    We celebrate the diversity, courage, intelligence, and life of all wāhine and share strategies to support women’s health and flourishment.
  • Taking a break from technology
    Spending too much time online can have a negative impact on our mental health and wellbeing. Check out Jess' journey to find balance.
  • The stages of grief
    Understanding the five stages of grief may be useful when navigating your journey and to identify what you may be feeling.
  • Tips to cope with COVID and anxiety
    COVID-19 outbreaks may make us feel anxious as we assess how our own or others social, emotional or physical safety will be affected. Anxiety NZ can offer some advice to help getting through this uncertain time.
  • What has made my lockdown easier
    Our youth writer shares how she found ways to cope with isolation, look after her wellbeing and even enjoy some aspects of lockdown.
  • What is stress and how to manage it
    Everybody feels stressed at times, but too much of it can harm our physical and mental health. Here are a few ideas to cope better with it.
  • What's it like to live with anxiety?
    Family man and musician Peter shares his journey from a life dominated by anxiety, to one where he understands his condition, manages it and learns to live beyond it – even seeing it as a positive force for his musical creativity.
  • Self-Care Series
    This evidence-based course equips you with practical and free methods of coping with stress better.