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Looking After Yourself
Resources: For Family / Whānau, Parents and Caregivers
"Supporting Anxious Kids" Series - Part 6

Look After Yourself

As the saying goes, "Put on your oxygen mask before helping others with theirs".

Don't forget to look after yourself too. It can be challenging to support others with their mental wellbeing. We hope that the tips in this series are helpful for you too – especially the relaxation techniques.  

Practice self-care that works for you.

Self-care is not selfish; in fact, it makes you a better caregiver/parent. Modelling self-care is a gift we give our children.  

Seek support for yourself if you need it. 

See here for more of our resources for supporting your children with anxiety.

Does your child have anxious moments? We can help!

Anxiety NZ is here to support you and your child through anxiety.

Download the free "Child Anxiety" guide below. We also highly recommend checking out the course "Untangling Anxiety", presented by Parenting Place. It is an engaging, self-paced course with bite-sized modules designed for busy parents.

Parenting Place is New Zealand's family charity; creating and delivering resources for parents at every age and stage. 

By using the link below and entering the discount code ANXIETY10 at checkout, you will get 10% off your enrolment. Anxiety NZ will also receive a small payment, every contribution enables us to keep sharing these resources and supporting children, caregivers and families.

Don't forget to put in the discount code ANXIETY10 at checkout.