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Our Team
Get to know the Anxiety NZ team
Clinical Team
Dr Henry Plant, MBChB
Dr Henry Plant, MBChB
Specialist GP
Dr Plant has been in the field of psychiatry for twenty years and takes a hol...
Stephanie Pemberton
Stephanie Pemberton
Registered Counselling Psychologist & Community Educator
Stephanie is passionate about furthering research into anxiety, as well as as...
Jay Kumar
Jay Kumar
Registered Counselling Psychologist
My speciality areas are anxiety, low mood, phobias, social anxiety and interp...
James Evans-McLeod
James Evans-McLeod
Registered Psychologist
James has over twelve years experience in child, adolescent, family, and scho...
Lyn Birrell
Lyn Birrell
Registered Psychologist
Lyn has worked in the mental health field for several years, including tertia...
Roger Phillipson
Roger Phillipson
Registered Psychologist
Roger uses a range of modalities, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)...
Vikki Baird
Vikki Baird
Registered Counselling Psychologist
Vikki specialises in the areas of anxiety, depression, self-esteem, relations...
Clare Stanton
Clare Stanton
Registered Clinical Psychologist (on maternity leave)
Clare works from a collaborative, compassionate, and non-judgemental stance t...
Stephen Schaapveld
Stephen Schaapveld
Registered Psychologist
Stephen works in a collaborative goal-focused manner utilising a variety of t...
Vanessa Trajano
Vanessa Trajano
Mental Health Clinician
Vanessa is an experienced clinician, emotionally attuned and attentive to the...
Tali Budlender
Tali Budlender
Registered Psychologist
Tali is passionate about helping clients to build a personal toolkit to bette...
Tania Nilsen
Tania Nilsen
Intern Counsellor
Tania is passionate about community mental health and in her work aims to bui...
Jessica Popham
Jessica Popham
Training Psychotherapist
Jessica is a Psychotherapy student completing her Master’s degree in Psycho...
Goldie Hamilton
Goldie Hamilton
Registered Intern Psychologist
Goldie has had several roles with Anxiety NZ over the past decade, including ...
Alice Tither
Alice Tither
Registered Intern Psychologist
Alice is a registered intern psychologist with the New Zealand Psychologists ...
Mio Yang
Mio Yang
Student Counsellor
Mio was granted a Graduate Diploma in Psychology from Victoria University of ...
Elesha Maulio
Elesha Maulio
Student Counsellor
I am presently pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Counselling and completing my f...

Anxiety New Zealand Trust supports people living with anxiety and other mental health experiences.

We offer specialist clinical services, ongoing peer support groups, educational resources, and immediate help via our free 24/7 national 0800 ANXIETY Helpline.

We are passionate about working with children, youth, adults, and whānau across Aotearoa to help grow resilience and positive mental wellbeing strategies. We also advocate, partner, and provide leadership in mental health to empower and support our communities to thrive.

Our mission

We are here to help grow the mental health and wellbeing of people in Aotearoa New Zealand, and to provide support, education and treatment for tamariki/kids, rangatahi/young people, pakeke/adults and whānau/families living with anxiety and other mental health experiences.

Our kaupapa

Ko ngā tāngata, te mātua mahi.

Putting people at the heart of all we do.

What we offer
  • Free National 24/7 0800 ANXIETY Helpline
  • Free Peer Support Groups 
  • Workshops / Courses
  • Community Education  
  • Resiliency Programmes
  • Community Collaboration
  • Volunteer Training and Support 
  • Internship Programme to Support Mental Health Workforce Development
  • Psychological Assessment
  • Therapeutic Interventions Using a Range of Modalities (CBT, ACT, DBT, EMDR etc)
  • Psychiatric Assessment with a Doctor and Medication Monitoring
Our history

The Anxiety New Zealand Trust (once known as The Phobic Trust of New Zealand Inc.) was first conceptualised by Marcia Read QSO and the late Mr David Ludbrook. Marcia went on to form the Phobic Trust in 1980. A 24 hour voluntary phone line was established in 1983 and from this, a trial clinic started in Parnell, with the main St Luke's clinic being created soon afterwards. It was officially incorporated in 1987. 

Over her time with the Trust, Marcia’s tireless advocacy helped to create a service user led and pioneering service.

 The Trust has evolved as a leader to:

  • Pioneer a New Zealand therapeutic field in the face of indifference, ignorance and opposition
  • Raise conversations about severe funding shortfalls
  • Secure dedicated patrons like the late Sir Robert Muldoon and Sir Edmond Hillary, and including Kylie Bax
  • Organise and host international conferences relating to the treatment of anxiety conditions
  • Write and publish a number of books on anxieties and phobias through the experience and dedication of Marcia Read.

Marcia was awarded national validation as a QSO (a single class New Zealand Order) and was a finalist in the 2013 Kiwibank Senior New Zealander of the Year Awards.

Marcia was also involved in the Like Minds Like Mine campaign in October 2000 appearing in television and printed materials. The ‘know me before you judge me’ message was influential in helping reduce stigma and discrimination towards, and for people experiencing mental illness. 

Marcia is now taking a well-deserved break and stepped into retirement.