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Fees and Funding
Learn all about the services we offer, treatment costs, funding options, and more.

A few of our services are free of charge, while others have a fee as they do not have direct government funding.


Counselling or Intern Psychotherapist                

50 min


Psychologist Needs Assessment    



Psychologist Appointment

50 min


Psychiatric Assessment (Dr)    

Up to 50 min


Psychiatric Follow-up (Dr)  

Up to 30 min


Prescription fee + email and post



Cancellation 24-48 hours’ notice


Half fee

Less than 24 hours’ notice or Did Not Attend


Full fee

Peer Support Groups



0800 ANXIETY Helpline (0800 269 4389)



Online resources



If you need help with funding, please let us know. Children, students, low-income earners or retired people may get funding (an application to WINZ or Studylink is needed). Scroll down for more information. Travel or health insurance may apply.

Check out our FAQs about therapy here.

For Referrals, click here.

To enquire about seeing a psychologist, please call 09 846 9776 or email reception.

To meet our clinical team, visit here.

Changing or Cancelling Your Appointment

We sincerely ask that you give us at least 48 hours' notice to cancel or change an appointment. Giving notice under 48 hours may incur a half fee and anything under 24 hours OR not attending the appointment will cost the full appointment fee. *

*Fees for late notice / missed appointments are at our discretion. We understand that sometimes extreme circumstances may prevent you from making it to your appointment, so please contact us as soon as possible so that we can work with you.

We will text you a reminder one week in advance and another reminder two days before your appointment. To opt out of text reminders, please let reception know and they can email you an appointment reminder instead.

If you need any more information, please do not hesitate in calling us at 09 846 9776 - we are always happy to help as much as we can!

Paying for Treatment

We are not automatically government funded, so we rely on clients paying fees responsibly or using funding for one-to-one therapy. Payment must be made at each session unless payment is being made by another funder. We accept cash, EFTPOS, Visa, and MasterCard (note: payWave is available with a surcharge fee) or bank deposit to 12-3077-0577127-00.

Children, students and low-income earners may access funding for up to 30 appointments with a psychologist. Insurance may apply.


You may be eligible to access funding for part or all of your treatment with us. We've outlined the different types of funding below. When we phone to make your first appointment, make sure you tell us that you need Work and Income or StudyLink funding. You will need some signed paperwork from us which you will need to take into Work and Income or StudyLink or upload to their portal. For some people it can feel overwhelming to understand what you need to do to apply for funding. Please let us know if you need help. Anxiety NZ is here to help! You can also contact Work and Income Te Hiranga Tangata or Studylink for more assistance.

*If you are arranging Work and Income Te Hiranga Tangata or Studylink funding, it's important to know that the person using the service (or caregiver of) is responsible for the cost of any services, including any used that isn't covered by the funding. If a debt is incurred and funding ends for any reason, then the outstanding amount is owed directly to Anxiety NZ Trust.

Disability Allowance

Disability Allowance is a payment for people who have have ongoing, additional costs arising from that disability. You can see exactly what this payment can be used for here. These could be visits to the doctor, specialist, counsellor (see later in section or DA counselling), alternative treatments, supplements, or travel to personal health appointments. 

Disability allowance is income tested; you don't have to be on a benefit to qualify for a Disability Allowance. How much you get depends on your income and the extra costs you have because of your disability or health condition. The amount you receive each week is based on costs provided and is calculated over a 12-month period. You can find out more here.

Who can get it?

You may get a Disability Allowance if you: 

  • Have a disability that is likely to last at least 6 months

  • Have had ongoing, additional costs arising from that disability

  • Are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident

  • Normally live in New Zealand and intend to stay here

  • Meet an income test together with your partner. 

To be able to receive Disability Allowance, a person must be assessed by a registered medical practitioner or nurse practitioner as having a disability:

  • That is likely to last at least 6 months OR

  • Have a life expectancy of less than 6 months because of a terminal illness.

You will need to provide verification of costs. It is important to list all expenses and keep receipts.   

Disability Allowance Counselling

Disability allowance can also be used to pay for counselling related to your disability or health condition, including a mental health condition. If this is the first time you are applying for counselling, you can get up to 10 sessions. You can apply for more (up to 20) if a health practitioner, e.g., your doctor/nurse practitioner, recommends them. Disability allowance can be paid for the cost of transport to counselling - provided the need for counselling is directly related to the persons disability.

The cost is of counselling is not additional to other health related costs but forms part of eligible costs under DA.  

Students can also access Disability allowance counselling via Study link if you are a full-time student or low-income earner.  

You will require a medical certificate from your GP/NP.

It can be paid for children only after all other funded/non funded avenues are exhausted. For example, Oranga Tamariki.   

Child Disability Allowance

Child Disability Allowance (CDA) is a fortnightly payment made to the main carer of a child or young person with a serious disability or health condition. CDA is paid in recognition of the additional care and attention a child with a serious health condition or disability requires.  

It does not pay for costs associated with child’s health needs – please see disability allowance for costs.    

The child must:

  • Generally, be a NZ resident

  • Be a dependent child

  • Have a physical, sensory, psychiatric or intellectual disability

  • Need constant care and attention because of the disability

  • Be likely to need care permanently, or need care for more than 12 moths and

  • Meet the required living arrangements.

Child Disability Allowance is not income tested.  

To apply, you need to complete the Child Disability Allowance application form. Your child's doctor/nurse practitioner or specialist needs to complete the medical certificate.  

You do not need to provide any proof of costs.   

You may also be able to receive a Disability Allowance to meet any additional costs the child has because of their disability.

International students

In most cases, international students are fully funded through their pre-arranged travel insurance cover. The process is straightforward, and we will provide assistance. Insurance is often paid as part of the AUT / University fee and many students are unaware they can access the treatment they require at no cost. Pre-existing conditions will be excluded.


You will need to check that you are funded before seeing us. Depending on your insurance cover, you may be funded, although not all insurance contracts cover the cost of doctors OR psychologists. Southern Cross may need you to see our Clinical Psychologist (instead of our general or health psychologists). Please make sure you tell us if you have insurance. 

Other Funding

If another company, organisation or trust is paying for all or some of your treatment we can assist with invoicing and communicating with them - with your consent. We may ask you for confirmation of how many sessions / what cost they will cover / and how best to invoice.

ACC Funding

At this time, you will not be able to use ACC funding at Anxiety NZ Trust. If you would like to meet with an ACC registered clinician for therapy, please see Find Support.