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Complaints Procedure
We are committed to providing a quality service and respect your rights as a consumer and individual.
While we strive to meet your expectations, we acknowledge that from time to time there may be dissatisfaction with the service provided. We view this as an opportunity to improve our services. Please read through this page for our complaint procedure and other helpful information.
Complaints Procedure

Complaints can be made:

  • Directly from a service user and/or their family/whānau.

  • Through the Health and Disability Commissioner's office.

  • Through the Privacy Commissioner's office.

  • By a member of parliament.

  • Through Consumer Advocates.

  • By a service provider.

  • By a member of the public.

Complaints may be made verbally, or in writing, to any member of staff. You will be advised within 5 working days, in writing, of the contact details of the Privacy Commissioner, The Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC), the District Inspector of Mental Health and Advocacy Services, and you can contact any of these services at any time.

All complaints will be given to the Chief Executive Officer. Should the complaint relate to the Chief Executive Officer then to the Chairman of the Trust Board. The Chief Executive Officer / Chairman will decide how the complaint will be investigated and resolved and inform the complainant of the complaint process.

The complaint may be discussed on the telephone, or an appointment made for this purpose, as required by your needs. The discussion will establish details of the complaint, and the requested remedy.

The Chief Executive Officer / Chairman will undertake such investigation as they deem appropriate, within twenty working days of the discussion above, and prepare a written response. The response and any associated report including any proposed action, will be shared with you verbally if requested or in writing, within three weeks. If the complaint is resolved it will be closed and any recommendations implemented by the Trust. 

Should the investigation require more time, the investigation time will be extended for up to a further twenty working days to investigate the complaint and you will be informed of the outcome within this time.

Should you not find the response acceptable, you can approach the Anxiety New Zealand Trust for a resolution. You will be contacted within one week for further information and informed within ten working days of an outcome.

Should the matter still not be resolved then, by mutual consent, the matter will be settled by binding arbitration, referred to HDC, the Privacy Commissioner or re-investigated by the Trust.

Contact details for complaints:

The Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service is a free service that operates independently from all health and disability service providers, government agencies and HDC. If you want to know more about your rights when using health or disability services, get questions answered, or make a complaint, they can help you. 

Freephone: 0800 555 050   


Useful links:

HDC Rights - Your rights when using a health or disability service in New Zealand and how to make a complaint

HDC Rights (Maori) Ōu whāinga tika ina whakamahi koe i tētahi ratonga hauora, ratonga hauā rānei i Aotearoa, ā, me pēhea te whakatakoto whakapae.

HDC Rights in Different Languages.

District Inspector of Mental Health and Advocacy Services.

Information on making complaints - PDF download

Your Code of Rights

The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights sets out ten rights that you have as a health consumer which must be followed by anyone providing any sort of health or disability service.

The Code applies to all health services and disability support services in New Zealand, whether you have paid for them, or they are free of charge and include hospitals, doctors, nurses, homeopaths, diagnostic services, special needs assessors etc.

The purpose of the Code is to protect your rights as a health consumer and to help resolve any complaints you may have if you feel those rights have not been protected.

The full list of ten rights can be found in detail on the Health & Disability Commissioner website.


HDC Advocacy Brochure

HDC Code of Rights guide

HDC Code of Rights in Māori guide

Peer Support Group - Come together in a supportive, safe, and hope-focused environment with other people who have similar lived experiences.

Group Guidelines and Goals PDF

What happens to your information guide

Other Helpful Information

To enquire about making an appointment, please call us at 09 846 9776 or email

You may do a self-referral, or your healthcare provider can refer you. Click through to learn more about referrals.

Have questions about how therapy / counselling works at Anxiety NZ? Check out the FAQs here.

Some of our services are free of charge, while others have a fee as they do not have direct government funding. Please click through to check out the treatment fees and funding options.